
The Bikini Basketball League is a real thing, and it will be here before the end of the year

BikiniBasketball28 It was only a matter of time before human evolution brought us to this: women in bikinis, playing basketball in an organized league. The Bikini Basketball League has been around in concept since 2011, but there have been no games as of yet — even though there are seven set franchises in six cities. According to the league’s Twitter account, you’ve got your Chicago Desire, Orlando LadyCats, Miami Spice, Los Angeles Ice, New York Knockouts, Hollywood Hotties and Atlanta Fleet Angels.
Considering the success of the Lingerie Football league (success being defined as rapid expansion in the U.S. and, excuse me, abroad), it’s no wonder that someone would try a league with hot girls playing basketball. And hey, the next Bikini Basketball League star could be you!
But beware: this girls-in-bikinis-playing-sports idea is not always a sure thing. The Bikini Hockey League only had two teams at last report, and the AVP pro beach volleyball tour essentially closed shop in 2010.
There’s also a bit of disconnect between the league’s web site and its Twitter account — one calls it the Bikini Basketball Association (as seen in the logo), the other refers to it as the Bikini Basketball League. Either way, the web site declares that it will be open for business in just 36 days, so get ready, America.
from http://offthebench.nbcsports.com/2012/09/27/the-bikini-basketball-league-is-a-real-thing-evidently/

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