Last year was a good year for gadget and video game fans.
There were two new consoles, the PS Vita and the Wii U in 2012, along with a host of new games.Some of the most popular were Mass Effect 3, Halo 4, Black Ops II and Max Payne 3.
The iPad 3, 4G technology finally arriving in the UK and Microsoft's Windows 8 have kept given gadget fans occupied. But how will the industry fair in 2013?
We've asked a gaming and a gadget expert to give us their opinions on what's going to be making the technology headlines this year.
Stuart Miles, founder of pocket-lint.com @stuartmiles
Xbox 720: Microsoft is expected to unveil an update to its games console in 2013. The claim is it will bring a bigger, brighter and bolder experience as it tries to become the epicentre of your living room.4G: EE has started the super fast speed revolution for smartphones and in 2013 Vodafone and O2 will launch it for the rest of the UK.
Samsung Galaxy S IV: This isn't expected until April but the follow up to the award winning Samsung Galaxy S3 is already starting to generate rumours normally only associated with Apple products.

iOS 7: With Scott Forstall gone, and Jony Ive now in charge of design the operating system that powers the iPhone and iPad is likely to get a huge overhaul.
Daniel Krupa, IGN's Games writer @danielkrupa
Grand Theft Auto V: Arguably the most anticipated game of 2013, Grand Theft Auto V is the next instalment in Rockstar's popular open-world crime series. It's said to be five times bigger than GTA IV. Gamers will also be able to control three main characters.Tomb Raider: 2013 will see the rebirth of Lara Croft. Following on from the likes of Bond and Batman this is an original story, charting how she went from a privileged young lady to a fearless adventurer. It looks like a more action-driven instalment than previous games in the series.
Watch Dogs: It stole the show at this year's E3. Set in the near future when the whole world can be accessed and controlled from a smartphone. Playing as Aiden Pearce you'll be able to control traffic lights and raise bridges, delay trains and jam mobile phones. It's from the makers of Far Cry and the Assassin's Creed games.
The Cave: In recent years some of the best games around have been downloadable titles from indie studios. The Cave could be one of those games in 2013. More interestingly it's a game about a magical cave that can talk.
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